The Farms of the Future program aims to facilitate tech-enabled production and monitoring through improved connectivity and installation of sensor equipment which support increased productivity, competitiveness, job creation and sustainable use of resources in the selected agricultural sectors: Cotton, Livestock, Grains and Horticulture – tree crops and vines.
The Farms of the Future program has two core streams of investment: Extension and Capacity Building: the development and roll-out of a multifaceted education and capacity building campaign aimed at building farmer and supplier knowledge of the benefits and use of technology in agriculture.
Grants: the provision of grants for farmers in target LGAs to establish connectivity and incentivise Agtech device uptake and de-risk investment. Commencing 2023.
In response to the challenges identified in industry research and the NSW Government’s Farms of the Future pilot program in 2020, five key objectives have been developed to guide the expansion of the program from 2022 to 2025.
Facilitate improved access to on-farm connectivity options in targeted LGAs in Regional NSW.
Develop evidence of tangible productivity and efficiency gains as a result of the improved on-farm connectivity.
Accelerate the uptake of Internet of Things (IoT) Agtech to support increased productivity, profitability, competitiveness and the sustainable use of resources in the agriculture sector.
Improve the digital capability and skills of farming businesses and their workforce to enable greater awareness and adoption of digital technologies. Support collaboration across local, State and Commonwealth Government programs, as well as across industry and the community.
Price: $600
Link to FOTF Website
LoRaWAN® Solenoid Valve Controller UC511
Rechargeable, 2 × 2550 mAh battery with solar panel 1-month battery life without charging (Class C)
LoRaWAN® Solenoid Valve Controller UC512
Non-rechargeable, built-in 19000 mAh Li-SOCl2 battery Up to 3-year battery life (Class A)
EM500-UDL-915M PN W050/W010
Price: $650
Link to FOTF Website
EM500-UDL provides highly accurate distance measurement for a variety of applications in harsh environments like flood monitoring, wastewater management, fill level monitoring in grains or fertilizer. The measurement is based on ultrasonic waves transmitted and reflected back from nearby objects.
EM500-SWL-915M PN L003
Price: $800
Link to FOTF Website
EM500-SWL is designed to measure the tank level or open water applications while fully submerged in liquid. It is robust and sealed to prevent corrosion and failure.
Price: $450
Link to FOTF Website
EM500-CO2 is designed for measuring gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in harsh environments. It is useful in the application where knowing CO2 level is important like greenhouse, building ventilation, fruit and vegetable storage. Besides, it also supports temperature, humidity and barometric pressure measurement.
Price: $150
Link to FOTF Website
The EM300-MCS magnetic contact switch can be mounted to any door or window to detect an opening or closing event. It adds physical security monitoring to your location by alarming for intrusion or unauthorized entry to your monitored conditions.
Price: $1800
Link to FOTF Website
The base station is the gateway between your smart farm and the FMS-Control application. This is needed for the FMS system to work. Unfortunetly it cannot be included in the FOTF package if installed in the Office or farmhouse. If WiFi or ethernet is available at the Shed it may be included in the package. 4G options are also available.
Price: $4,100
With the use of the Multi Control- pump run times VSD pressure set points, monitor multiple pumps, pressure, flow, and water level at the pump shed. Control up to 4 valves out in the field with the option to monitor flow. Complete with a MULTI, 0-10 Bar PT and 2 x dual valve controllers. FMS- BASE STATION NEEDED
Price: $4400
With the use of a Multi at the pump shed and a Mini on the irrigator -Monitor real-time pressure and GPS position on your existing system. Be alerted to faults in the irrigator and control your pump speed to optimise water efficiency. Complete with a Multi, Mini & 2 x 0-10bar PT’s. FMS- BASE STATION NEEDED
Multi-86844-lora & RHT-003
Price: $2950
FMS Multipro with 8 outputs complete with 4-20ma temperature and humidity sensor pre-wired. Programmed through the FMS-Control application to automatically control the fans when the temp & humidity is at a certain level. FMS- BASE STATION NEEDED